17 again

Year of release : 2009


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Comedy / Romance


Cast : Zac Efron, Leslie Mann, Matthew Perry, Michelle Trachtenberg



The movie is a transformation story.

A man who is not happy with his life(he doesn’t really have a relationship with his kids,he is divorcing his wife)revisits his high school,and thinks about what he could have been.


He has a strange conversation with an old man who seems to be the janitor,and at night he sees the old man with a crazy look on his face jumping -more or less-off a bridge. In an attempt to save him he falls off the bridge and the next morning wakes up...young,and 17 .


What started as him not being happy with his life,regretting his past glory days,turns into a beautiful story of him reconnecting with his kids,teaching his son - who was bullied by the guy his daughter was dating -,basketball, and helping him make the team,and teaching his daughter to respect herself.

Also,he reconnects with his wife,and he doesn’t want to divorce her anymore.


I liked it,it was funny,it had heart,the actors were good…


My favorite ones though, were his best friend and the principal of the high school,I loved to see the nerd trying to get the ‘girl’ at the end to ‘have her’  speaking about his nerdy things as she was a nerd herself! They had such a sweet love story!


Rating : It's so money !