365 days

Language : Polish / Italian / English


Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h56min


Genre : Romance / Erotic


Cast : Ana-Maria Sieklucka , Michele Morrone


The movie is based on the first novel of an erotic fiction trilogy written by cosmetologist and author Blanka Lipińska.


The movie starts with this guy who looks at a woman on the beach through binoculars as his father talks to his rivals in Italian. By the way,the version I watched had no translation whatsoever for the Polish and Italian. The father is shot and so is this guy.


Five years later,the female lead,Laura,goes on vacation to Italy with her man who doesn’t want to have sex with her . She fights with her man who is an ugly ,fat arseh*le,and decides to walk the streets alone. She is captured,sedated and kidnapped by this lunatic,whom we get to know as the leading male of the movie,the one we’re all supposed to fawn over,but there’s nothing about him to like.


While he has her trapped in his layer,he tells her a story about how when he was about to die,he saw her face. Everyone knows he loves her,and he has her picture everywhere. What I want to know is,how did he take her picture?! And when,since he had this pic apparently for a very long time.


He tells her she has 365 days to fall in love with him,and if not,he’ll let her go. The same time he tells her he won’t touch her,but he keeps on touching her,in a very disturbing aggressive manner,which to me isn’t sexy nor arousing. I hated him,and felt like beating him up.


The guy is a true catch indeed—he forces a flight attendant to give him a bl*w j*b behind the veils of the private plane right next to his effing men! He likes to push their heads into his junk,aggressively(which isn’t sexy),to the point the woman had tears in her eyes when she was done. But when she enters the bathroom,as if she was effed good but not in the mouth,she has this look on her face like she’s happy. Maybe happy she got away that easily. That was awful! And that was the lead!!!Who mouth r@p*d a woman.

He then has another woman doing the same thing to him,in an attempt to show the leading character what she’s missing:the chance to s@k his junk!


Also,the lead,seems to like this behavior as she keeps on trying to push his buttons. The room he keeps her in has the shower wall/door of glass so he can see everything from the bed,so she takes a shower to stir him or whatever.

He then sticks his hand down her pants while they are on the plane,right next to everyone else,without a curtain nor anything in between them,trying to massage her,but gives up because,she has to earn the pleasure.

The movie has ridiculous lines like the one the lead keeps on spewing “are you lost babygirl?”


Do not forget it was based on a book. It makes me sad to see the state of the culture today,mostly people’s culture,when rubbish books are bestsellers and end up as movies.


She hits on a rival,or so I think,as the translations lacked. She is rescued by the kidnapper,wakes up on his boat(she keeps on fainting and wakes up somewhere else the whole movie,which is apparently her thing,and also,attractive to whoever wrote this)


She fights this crazy bird man some more and lands in the water. He jumps in to save her. She wakes up again,like I said that’s her shtick,in bed. And she finally decides to give him the oral he keeps on pushing for since the movie started,because,what do you know,he rescued her. We finally have a sex scene,and when I write that I mean that,no love making scene,sex scene. And keeps on going on for a while,as they were hungry.


The movie has no real story,it has four shopping sprees,and in the end,due to the lack of translation I just listened to music while watching it,as the movie’s music was awful! I mean,when they were effing,the music playing was a dance song about cheating!!!


This movie is under erotic thriller,but there’s nothing thriller about it. I would have called it romantic if it was,but I don’t know what it is. There’s definitely no romance in it. If you want to watch a good erotic movie I recommend Fatal Attraction or Basic Instinct.


It was awful!! I hated it!


Rating : The Horror ,The Horror !