A perfect getaway

Year of release : 2009


Run time : 1h48min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Milla Jovovich,Timothy Olyphant,Steve Zahn,Kiele Sanchez,Chris Hemsworth



A couple is on their honeymoon in Hawaii as another couple is making the news killing couples and impersonating them.


There are 3 couples in the movie,and anyone of them could be the killer.

We are introduced to Cliff and Cydney ,a pair of newlyweds who speak in codes. They meet another couple who they refuse to give a ride to,while Cliff says they are “suitable for framing” .

Then they meet my favorite couple, Nick and Gina. I loved Nick and Gina,I loved the way they loved each other,the way they talked about each other. I loved how Gina called Nick,Nicko, and was so proud of him. She keeps on saying “he is very hard to kill” thing about to be proven in the movie too.


The movie has a twist where the second act starts and my favorite part starts, up until the end.

At the reveal part,the colors turn to black and white,looking almost like the old black and white movies,but looking as if burnt by the sun(like it was too bright).


Timothy Olyphant is one of my favorites and up until that point I saw him only playing the villain so I thought he was gonna be it. Nah-ah!


The action scenes were great, the landscapes,everything was just perfect! Except for Milla's outfits,which were just ugly.


The acting was great,especially from Kiele Sanchez,who played Gina.The only one whom I felt,didn't give 100% was Milla Jovovich.


The soundtrack was good.


Viewer discretion is advised,as the movie contains mature language.To be honest,I don't know why that certain scene is in the movie,as it feels so out of place,and it's my least favorite.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !