A quiet place

Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Suspense / Horror / Sci-Fi


Cast : Emily Blunt, John Krasinski , Millicent Simmonds, Noah Jupe



Co-written and directed by John Krasinski, the movie has a great soundtrack, great acting ,especially from Emily Blunt who plays a pregnant woman who gives birth while trying not to make any noise,because the earth has been taken over by aliens with great hearing,and no sight.


The movie starts with this family out for food and medicine,walking bare feet as to not make any noise,on a trail of sand. The little kid sees a rocket and he wants it. The father tells him it's too loud,but he takes it anyway. Playing with it gets him killed on the way home,also because he was the last one on the trail,and was unsupervised.


More than a year later the whole family carries the burden of the child dying,especially the daughter who gave him the rocket(but he took the batteries).She thinks her father hates her for it.


The movie is a moving story about the lengths parents would go to to protect their kids.


The movie is more than 95% sign language,and the actors have to act with their face and bodies,and they're all doing a great job! Although,silent when it comes to talking,the movie is not quiet,as it has this amazing soundtrack matching the emotional torment,keeping us in suspense.


Rating : It's so money !