A quiet place part 2

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h37min


Genre : Thriller / Horror / Sci Fi


Cast : Emily Blunt, Cillian Murphy, John Krasinski



The movie was written and directed by John Krasinski.


After an alien invasion,in a post apocalyptic world,a family is struggling to survive,without making any noise,as the aliens can hear the smallest sound,and kill them.


The movie starts where the first one left off. We get to see how everything started, probably to set up Cillian Murphy's character.


After the father died,the mother leaves the house with her children. They find one of their friends,but he wants nothing to do with them.


The little girl wants to go where she thinks the radio signal comes from,so she could place her ear piece onto the microphone on air, so the noise it makes, disturbing all the aliens ,to kill them or at least make them vulnerable and able to kill.


I loved how the movie started, depicting the alien invasion,the mayhem.


I loved the acting, especially from Emily Blunt, John Krasinski, and the kid who stepped into a trap. His reaction was right on,I loved his performance!


I loved the soundtrack,and how from time to time,it went from music or the noises of the outside world,to the complete silence of the world of the girl who couldn't hear.


I liked how the movie was edited,how it blends what happens to the characters who are in different places,dealing with different things,as if it's happening to them at the same time,in real time.

I loved the transition from scene to scene,like for example the transition from the scene of the first alien attack to the characters' present day.


Rating : Worth a watch !