A rough draft

Language : Russian


Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h55min


Genre : Sci fi / Fantasy



The movie is based on a book of the same name by Sergei Lukyanenko,published in 2005.


The lead wakes up one day to find out his apartment is not his own,and a woman lives in it. Going to the officials they tell him the apartment is in the woman’s name,and it belongs to her. Slowly but surely,everybody in his life forgets him,and the ones who didn’t already,forget him as they talk to him.


He is told he was chosen to work in a tower which is the entry to different worlds and that he’s not human anymore. He can create worlds and starts having superpowers. One problem though,he can’t venture too far as he starts decomposing and needs a lot of water.

I noticed this trend in Russian movies,the idea that anyone and anything can be cured with water,drinking it or sinking in it.


Also,working in the tower makes him unable to have kids and be in a relationship. One of his colleagues keeps on bringing the lead’s ex girlfriend( who left him) around,and he is determined to win her back,especially now,when she doesn’t know who he is anymore.


The way the movie ended makes me think they want to make a sequel.


I really liked this movie,there’s one complaint I have and it doesn’t really regard it,as it’s about the subtitles which were like,30 seconds delayed.


The soundtrack was good.The acting was good,the movie well paced and packed together.


The movie is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Apple iTunes, Tubi Tv, Redbox, Vudu, Microsoft Store.


Rating : It's so money!