A sound of thunder

Year of release : 2005


Run time : 1h50min


Genre : Sci Fi / Action


Cast : Ben Kingsley, Edward Burns


A team of scientists offer time travel trips to the very rich, as means to get the funding they need for their projects. In these time travel trips the rich kill the dinosaurs. Well, not really, they are told so, as they can't affect the time line, or we'll cease to exist.


I'm baffled that people like this could actually exist, people who want to hunt everything, even prehistoric animals.
Anyway, in one of their jumps, something goes wrong, and one traveler steps and kills one butterfly. That sole butterfly's death triggers time waves which change the future, starting first with the weather, hot for November in Chicago, then the plants, some poisonous and "alive", the animals - like aggressive monkyes with bulletproof skin, half monkeys half reptiles,sea monsters..then the humans, which turn into sea-like human creatures.


What I didn't understand was, why did the buildings still exist,since humans were wiped out of existence? Who built the buildings since the humans didn't exist to build them?


This is one of my favorite movies, and although I knew the visual effects were bad,last night when I watched it again,I noticed just how bad they really are.

I like the fact it's a movie which makes you think.


The acting was good,I felt Edward Burns didn't give 100%, but over all was good.


The visual effects at times were good but most times were bad, they look cartoonish. When they walk you can tell they are in front of the blue screen,and walk on a treadmill or something. Also,when they built the city around them,they made it small in comparison to them walking; the cars look fake..etc...


The movie has a good plot but not enough money for the visual effects which I think would have made it a lot better.


Rating : Worth a watch !