Alice, darling

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Anna Kendrick



Alice has a girls night out with her best childhood friends. While they are out ,her phone keeps on buzzing,her boyfriend texting her all the time.


Out with her girlfriends, Alice seems to not like them. She seems to have the same arms length attitude about her boyfriend,who says to her she drank too much the previous night and must be feeling awful,although he has no idea how much she drank, considering he wasn't with her.


She lies to him she needs to go on a trip for her job(and practices the lines beforehand),instead of telling him she is going with her female friends for one of their birthdays. He seems not to like them and due to their interactions he might also be controlling what they both eat.


Her boyfriend,Simon,is a painter, and he doesn't seem to like her job,her friends..


On their way there, Alice keeps on thinking of the fight she had with him,who thinks his work is not good enough, and thinks since she doesn't like her friends anymore she shouldn't go out with them anymore. Which makes us think she doesn't like these girls anymore,thing confirmed by how she acts around them,especially one of them who seems to always push her buttons.


It seems she had enough of her friends, especially the pushy one, after they took her phone (her boyfriend was texting her all the time, and she was always on it), and trying to please her ,going out on the lake with her, she loses her earrings from Simon.

That's when Alice has a panic attack,saying she can't do anything wrong anymore,as she already upset Simon,who found out where she truly is. The guy acts as if she is his daughter and is not allowed to go anywhere or do anything without his permission.

That's when her friends find out Simon is very controlling, making her think his ideas are hers, pushing her to do what she doesn't want to do,just because he needs her to be always with him under his control.


Alice has a repetitive stress disorder in which she pulls chunks of hair from her head. As the movie progresses,we realize it's because of her boyfriend.


The characters are supposedly 30,but the actresses are all 36,and they have this awful line about the lead dating a 40 year old,who is actually 37,which made me google them to find out they are the same age as Simon who is too old for them,apparently.


The movie is labeled a thriller but I assure you it's not, it's a drama,and if I knew that, I wouldn't have watched it.


Viewer discretion is advised,as at the beginning of the movie the language is explicit.


The actors were fine,especially Anna Kendrick.


Rating : Could have been a contender!