
Year of release : 1979


Run time : 1h52min


Genre : Sci Fi / Horror / Action


Cast : Sigourney Weaver, John Hurt, Tom Skeritt


Director : Ridley Scott



Commercial space ship Nostromo,is waking its passengers up on their way to earth. The crew finds out they weren't awaken for being almost home( as they are in another star system,and ten months away from home),but because the ship intercepted a distress call from a near by planet.


Ripley,the one voice of reason,brings solid arguments,as to why is not safe to go down there,as they are a cargo ship,and not just that,but it turns out it wasn't a distress call but a warning!


Three members of the crew still go on the planet,where they find a weird looking space ship,and its weird load,looking like whatever they are,they are still alive,although the place seems abandoned for years.


One of the crew members gets too close to the hatching things ( I honestly don't get why would anyone on a strange planet venture to look into something when they don't know what it is what it can do) he honestly sticks his head into the thing,and what a shock,a creature jumps on his face and latches on to him.


For some unknown reason,his crew mates want to bring him on board,in spite of the voice of reason,Ripley,who says its a foreign life form and they don't know what it can do,as they need to be quarantined.

Ash lets them in,and this starts a chain of events which gets the whole crew killed.


The soundtrack is good, it has the same music,sound effects as the prequel,Covenant. For the first 20 minutes, I think, the movie is silent,is just the music of the wind and the space ship machinery.


The visual effects are great for 1979! The only thing that gives the movie away is the computers.


The film was edited weirdly a few times,like in the first half an hour,I think it's one of the first scenes, they cut the scene while the character was speaking.


Rating : The stuff dreams are made of !