
Year of release : 2016


Run time : 2h


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Dystopia


Cast : Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Naomi Watts, Zoe Kravitz



Allegiant is the 3d installment of the Divergent franchise,and is based on the book of the same name,by Veronica Roth. It was supposed to have a sequel, Ascendant, but it was halted.


In the aftermath of Jeanine's death , the Factionless and Amity have difficulties in seeing eye to eye, as the Factionless wants to kill the oppressors of the faction system,while Amity pleads for mercy,saying they are better than their oppressors.


The Factionless kill the oppressors and their aids ,upon hearing nobody forced them to inflict what they did upon people,they did it gladly because to them people are sheep who need a shepherd.


This creates a rift between the 2 factions, and the Factionless want to kill Amity to take the power.


Amity changes their name to Allegiant .


Tris with Four's help rescues her brother ( who should have paid for his crimes) and with Christina and Peter ( another one who should have been dead),plan to go beyond the wall the Factionless guard,keeping everyone away from it.


They manage to get beyond the wall not without losing a few people ( not important,lead characters as always) and meet the army of the Bureau.


They are all decontaminated,and given bar codes which allows them in certain areas based on their skills or maybe,purity,as we find out later.


David,the leader, takes a liking to Tris,as we find out ,she is 100% pure,while the others are damaged. She is supposed to help him make others like her,I guess?!


They also find out this organisation which deals with genetic modification knows everything that happens in Chicago,and know Tris and the others' whole history, as they have this surveillance technology which not only has cameras everywhere,but also controls everything.


Four joins their army and finds out people who live on the Fringe of this organisation have their kids kidnapped and brainwashed with a gas ( it erases their memory) by this organisation who inserts them into Chicago.


So,they escape to go back to Chicago, as they see Peter,who can't be trusted,is now doing the bidding of David, working on Evelyn to release the memory gas on everyone,as David wants to keep the faction system,lying to her it's only gonna be on Amity.


I personally didn't like this movie,it bored me. It was a lot of back and forth,just like with the previous one.

I hated these characters which kept on switching sides and teams. I get it,they created flawed characters, we're not all good,we are shades of grey,but damn, it was annoying to see them rescue people who tried to kill Tris ( her brother,who had no problem with her dying to preserve Erudite,he helped Jeanine almost kill her!;he actually said to Tris' face he believes so much in the Faction system he is willing to let her die!) ,Peter,who can't be trusted,as he changes his mind and intentions based on his needs at the time,he has no loyalty,he is a traitor.

There are many characters,many shades of grey,too many of the same thing,too many going back and forth on their decisions, too many who can't be trusted and just change their mind like the wind.


Also, there's this decontamination scene,which afterwards seems useless, as they take kids from the Fringe. Those people lived their whole life in that environment and since they're stealing their children ,I'm guessing they're fine,there's no contamination!


The thing with the gas also made no sense! The gas was everywhere,in high amounts, but somehow they didn't lose their memory!?!


Some people are shot, they die right away,others,if important characters, are fine. Like with Tori,who gets shot in the back,I guess, and dies right away,and Four, who is wounded in the belly,but he is fine,he can fight..


They also have these ridiculous devices like flying or floating plasma bubbles which transported Tris and her crew right next to the spaceship,because I guess there was no more room in that huge thing which was there because they saw them coming! If they were afraid of them being sick,which again,makes no sense,they could have put them in the fricking bubble in the spacecraft!


The actors were all fine.

I found the visual effects Ok, although others complained..

I liked the fighting scenes,although not many.

The soundtrack was good.


Rating : Coulda woulda to Worth a watch !