Army of the dead

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h28min


Genre : Horror / Action


Cast : Dave Bautista, Ana de la Reguera, Ella Purnell, Tig Notaro, Hiroyuki Sanada


Director : Zack Snyder



Scott Ward who fought fiercely when the zombie virus spread across Las Vegas,is asked by Hunter Bly to go back into the sealed zombie city with a team of his choosing to get out the millions stuck in a vault. Hunter is willing to pay him and whoever he chooses 50 million.


Scott is going back to all of his surviving friends offering them different sums of money for the job. His estranged daughter comes along too,as one of her friends crossed into the zombie zone.


I personally don't know how I feel about this movie. I didn't see it differently from any other zombie movies . SPOILERS  I liked the scene in which Chambers( Samantha Win) was killing zombies and was caught by them,having to be killed by her man.


What I liked was the fact they weren't bullet proof sort of speak,and SPOILER they all died. I liked the helicopter pilot,she was funny.


I didn't like the daughter,she really annoyed me. I really hated her attitude towards everyone. I didn't understand why her mess of a friend crossed over into the zombie area. Why would anyone? It doesn't make any sense,there was nothing there!! Not to mention the woman had 2 kids! I see this as an excuse for the bratty daughter to be in the movie,because I doubt anyone would do that in real life for a friend.


Also,I didn't understand how could zombies bleed,since they are zombies,their blood gets coagulated. But they bleed like us,and not just that,they can have children,which was another mess. How can something dead bring something to life?! If their blood is not coagulated,then they are not cold,their temperature can't be low,like they say when they take people's temperature to see if it drops,and worry about them turning into zombies.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : Worth a watch !