Based on an untrue story

Year of release : 1993


Run time : 1h31min


Genre : Comedy / Parody


Cast : Morgan Fairchild , Ricki Lake , Dyan Cannon



The movie is a parody of based on true stories movies. It's about a clueless rich woman,who,at the presentation of her new perfume blacks out and discovers she suffers from anosmia.


That’s how she finds out she is adopted,although she’s white and her parents Asian.She also finds out she is a triplet.


The characters have weird names like the driver - Crack,that everybody take for something else when pronounced,or the detective who’s name the leading character always gets wrong.


The movie features a kidnapper,a tv section with the news about a little girl gone missing in the recycle bin,a serial killer who keeps on making unfunny jokes about killing strippers,a cheating husband, obvious in your face things the characters do or say that the lead doesn’t catch on..


The movie is funny,has more than one killer( I counted 3),and a beautiful trans person(I love her hair).


It’s one of my favorite movies,I like it since I was a kid! I still laughed the whole time.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !