Beauty and the beast

Year of release : 1991


Run time : 1h28min


Genre : Animation / Musical / Fantasy



The animation is based on the Jeanne-Marie Leprince de Beaumont 1756 fairy tale of the same name, and the 1946 French movie of the same name.


Once upon a time, in a castle, lived a spoiled prince. One winter night,an old,scary looking woman asked for shelter at the castle,offering in return,one rose. The prince turned her away. As anyone would!


The old woman turned into an enchantress and bewitched the prince to live as a beast until someone will learn to see past his looks,and love him. She gave him the rose,which was bewitched, to let him know the time he had left,for when the last petal fell,it took with it all hope at redemption. For some unknown reason,she also put a spell on the castle and all who lived there.


Belle is known as weird in her village,as she likes to read,and she reads a lot. Her father is considered crazy because he's an inventor.


Gaston,a man who is as vain as he is handsome , set his eyes on Belle,as he thinks she's the only woman in the village as beautiful as him! He decides to marry Belle without her being even aware of the wedding he planned.


Belle's father leaves to the fair with his latest invention, and gets lost on the way there,as he takes a shortcut. He ends up at the bewitched castle, where he is greeted by everyone, except the prince/beast who puts him in the dungeon.


Belle finds her father's horse who comes back,and she asks it to take her to where her father got lost. As one would.

She ends up at the castle, and Belle asks the beast to trade places with her father. The beast sends her father home, and offers her a room in the castle.


His servants tell him to be nice to her,to invite her to dinner, but he pretty much orders her to, so she doesn't want to join him.

Once she comes out,she starts looking around the castle, going to the West Wing,where she was told not to go by the beast.

After, she's the one upset,breaking her promise,and leaving the castle.


The beast saves her from a pack of hungry wolves,and Belle comes back with him, seeing good in him,behind the gruesome appearance.

The servants hope Belle will break the spell,making them human again.


The animation bored me as it had a lot of singing.


The enchantress annoyed me,as she seemed to have been the real villain of the story,as it didn't make any sense why would she put a spell on the whole castle and everyone who lived there. What did they do?What were they guilty of?

The narrator says the prince was offered the rose which was to bloom until his 21st birthday!!Which means he was a kid,when the witch put the spell on him !!

In another scene, someone in the castle says they've been like this for 10 years!Meaning since the prince was 11?!

This witch put a curse on a kid! Who's the true villain here?


Belle annoyed me too,as she kept on doing things she was told not to,like going to the West Wing,in someone else's house.


The beast was rude and demanding,having quite a temper.


Gaston was annoying, and was abusing his sidekick a lot,to the point is not even funny!


I didn't like the prince's normal look, as Gaston looked better.


I don't care what they're saying, there's no way one could fall for someone looking like a beast,especially in such a short time! No matter how much I think of it,it's just a big No,from me! I'm sorry, that's an animal!


I didn't like the soundtrack. This animation has more music in it,than any other Disney animation I ever watched. I think 90% is music.


The animation was made using the old Disney 'storybook realism' art style, a naturalistic and realistic style inspired by the aesthetic of the classic European illustrations in storybooks.


The animation is streaming on Disney+, and is for rent / sale on Amazon, AppleTv, Google, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !