Bell,book and candle

Year of release : 1958


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Romance / Fantasy


Cast : Kim Novak, James Stewart, Jack Lemmon



Ring the bell,close the book,quench the candle - that's how they used to exorcise witches in medieval times.


A beautiful witch sees a man on the street and wonders if her cat can help her get him (the cat is the witch's familiar,doing her biding).

After she finds out he is engaged to be married with her college nemesis,she puts a spell on him to love her.


The man falls in love with her,leaves his fiance,and after just a few weeks together,asks her to marry him.

She decides to come clean and tell him everything. She discovers she is in love with him,although witches can't fall in love and can't cry.


There's a back story with a writer who writes about witches,brags about being able to spot them in a room,while in the presence of three and unable to spot any.


I liked the women's clothes,especially Kim Novak's,the interior designs,the colors..everything is so beautiful and full of color !


The acting was good,the visual effects were really good for 1958!


Rating : Worth a watch !