
Year of release : 2005


Run time : 1h38min


Genre : Romance / Comedy


Cast : Nicole Kidman, Will Ferrell, Michael Caine, Shirley MacLaine, Kristin Chenoweth, Jason Schwartzman, Steve Carell



The movie is based on the 1964 American sitcom of the same name which spawned 8 seasons.


Isabel is a witch who is moving into the world of the humans,as she is sick of getting everything she wants when she wants it. But first,she creates her perfect house that she moves into.

Her father is trying to make her come to her senses,and use her magic.


Jack Wyatt is an actor who's career is on the rocks. He is hired to play Darrin in the remake of Bewitched. After accepting to do the show, and being persuaded by his manager,he goes nuts on the demands, and asks for a newcomer to play Samantha.

He sees Isabel while in a bookstore,shaking her nose,so he follows her around. He finally approaches her at a restaurant,and asks her to be on the show with him. She accepts,thinking he is interested in dating her.


Isabel is pretty smitten with Jack,and one night,after the filming ended,she hears him talking to his manager who is laughing at her,and thinks Jack is playing her,but he seems genuinely interested in her.

So,when her aunt comes to visit,they put a spell on him.

The next day Jack is completely obsessed with Isabel.


The movie was only an hour an a half,but it felt longer! The only thing I liked about it was Isabel's house!


Most of the actors were fine,except for the leads!I can't believe I'm writing this about Nicole Kidman,as I always thought she is one of the best actresses,but most of the time in this movie,she is over acting!Just like Will Ferrell. Their overacting,trying to be funny was annoying and tiring. I finally laughed at something they said or did,after an hour into the movie!

The movie had a good premise but failed to deliver.


The visual effects were fine.


The soundtrack was fine.


Bewitched is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, Hulu,and is for rent / sale on Amazon, Apple Tv, DirecTv, Google Play Movies, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender!