Black Widow

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h14min


Genre : Action


Cast : Scarlett Johansson, Rachel Weisz, Florence Pugh



Following the fall out of the Avengers, Natasha Romanoff also known as the Black Widow,is being pursued by a very powerful being,robotic in looks and movements. She finds out the person was after what her sister sent her and she goes to her safe house in Budapest to meet her.


Together they start on a mission to find the man who took their childhood away from them,along with their assigned parents,in order to kill him and set free all the women trained as Black Widows under his mind control.


The movie was action packed,with great action scenes. The actors were all great,there were also funny moments or funny delivered lines,most of them given by Natasha's sister played by Florence Pugh.


What I didn't like was the fact no matter what the characters went through,mostly Natasha,they were fine. There's a scene in which she falls from a ten story building,landing on ledges and then the ground and she's fine,no wounds,she doesn't break anything! There's another in which they are fighting in the air,she's diving after her sister,and she's fine when she falls to the ground from plane high in the sky.


I don't know what was Olga Kurylenko doing in this movie,she has a 2 minutes cameo,playing the mutilated daughter of the villain and never says a word.


The movie is streaming on Disney Plus.


Rating : Worth a watch !