Blink twice

Year of release : 2024


Run time : 1h42min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Channing Tatum, Geena Davis, Christian Slater, Kyle MacLachlan



The movie is co-written,co-produced and directed by Zoe Kravitz.


Frida likes to do nails in animal themes (she calls them ani-nails or something),and works as a waitress. She hears billionaire tech mogul Slater King,is going to be at the party she works at as a waitress, and is star struck. Luckily for her, he notices her when she breaks her shoe,trying to meet him. They spend the night together (at the event), talking,and he invites her to his island.

They leave right away, Frida and her friend, only with the clothes they have on,which is ridiculous!They don't even have phone chargers!


Surprisingly, they have all the girls need,on the island. They give them dresses, bathing suits, shoes,makeup,perfume.. all I was wondering, was,how did they know their sizes, because these items were perfect fits! The perfume is tricky, as they use it daily, and it seems to be doing things to them. It has the same name as the flower blooming on the island,that the women are always offered,and inhale the scent.


Frida,and the other four girls, seem to have the time of their lives, as they party all day,drink, get high, and eat well,at night eating the food one of Slater's friends,cooks.


Slater tells them his servants are hunting down these snakes which keep on appearing on the island,which's venom is not poisonous.


Frida's friend is bitten by one of these snakes, and she starts asking question about how long have they been there (which to me looked like months!) ,and then she disappears.


An old woman working there, calls Frida ' red rabbit', and when she sees her again, she gives her something to drink,finding out right after it was snake venom. And she starts remembering. Slowly.


The movie bored me, to be honest, as I felt it took too long to get to the action. It kept on showing us the same things over and over again, on repeat,for what it felt to be an hour, and when the action started,it was brief (the memories come back in short flashbacks). I was honestly sick of seeing them get high all the time, and drink.


Channing Tatum as Slater King is beautiful and sexy. The movie opens with him apologizing for his wild parties,saying he does therapy.

I found the leading actress, although a good actress, unattractive,looking almost like a man,due to her short hair and features. Even the men friends I was with at the cinema said she was unattractive,and the lead should have been the Survivor girl.

I though the men were too easily dealt with, like they were cowards,and once the women were sober they were afraid to fight back. They did all these bad things to them(we don't know exactly what, as the movie is not good at showing us, we don't know if they r@ped them or just tortured them,hunted them...) and now,when they remembered they couldn't fight back,although, the women weren't incapacitated then,they just didn't remember what happened.


The relationship between Frida and Slater is ambiguous, as I was honestly wondering if they're really together ,as they never kiss, never hold hands, I think that once at the dinner table he wants to hold her hand, but she remembers, so she doesn't hold his hand. They act more like people who like each other, but don't act on it..and I'm not sure he likes her, he probably recognized her from the first time she was there, and she didn't remember anything, she was still star struck and in love with him!

The way the events unfold in the beginning it like fan fiction! Him noticing her, picking her..exactly books in which the famous celebrity sees the normal girl!


The movie is called Blink Twice because of what Frida says to the psychiatrist at the beginning of the movie, when she thinks they meet for the first time.


The actors were good . I think that this is Channing's best role! He was one of my favorite actors and I watched a lot of his movies,and never thought he had much range as an actor,but he really got into the character's skin in this one.


The soundtrack was good. Although at times, like when only the two girls are left, and they played Beyonce, was off, as they should have been on survival mode,not be tough.


The movie is out in cinemas.


Rating : Could have been a contender !