
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Sci Fi


Cast : Salma Hayek, Owen Wilson



So, this movie was something in between The Matrix and the Russian movie,Coma. The lead is told by the woman he keeps on drawing,that the world they live in is not real,and that she built it,and he is one of the volunteers. The movie started out well,but ended up losing me and itself.


The idea behind this computer generated reality was that this woman created this world,because the ones in the real world were bored and tired of their perfect reality so she created a dystopia.


In the real world apparently asteroid mining was a thing and a hit. The one who discovered it,becoming a billionaire,gave 500.000 dollars I forgot if it was per year or something like that to everyone on the planet ( because we know billionaires give their money away for free,instead of trying to get even the little the poor have) and now everyone just lived the life, doing nothing all day,having been replaced with robots at work,or at least the menial jobs.


The visual effects with the teleporting or whatever it was,reminded me of the remnants in Coma. The rest is the Matrix.


The movie started out well,but after like,15 minutes or so,it started to bore me.


The lead was drawing this woman he kept on dreaming and thinking about,but he didn't recognize her when he met her! And she was his wife in real life! They had to take pills they called crystals,orange - to be able to control the characters in the simulated reality, and 10 blue ones to leave the simulation. Apparently one couldn't just leave the simulation,they had to let it run its course,which was a lifetime in the simulation. Also,they didn't know it wasn't real..just like in the Matrix.


I didn't like it,especially since I didn't feel the love between the leads. She seemed fine with leaving him in the simulation,while she knew he didn't want to go back in the first place,he did because she told him they had to go back,because they didn't take enough blue pills!!! What?! And now their reality blends into the fake one!! What?!

Good idea just poorly executed.


Bill Nye the science guy is in it,and I will never believe a word he is saying,as he is an actor,not a man of science,you can google him,and look him up on IDMB. I don't understand why everybody takes as word of law whatever this guy says.


Bliss is streaming exclusively on Amazon Prime Video as it is one of their productions.


Rating : Could have been a contender !