
Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h49min


Genre : Horror


Cast : Michelle Monaghan, Skeet Ulrich



A recently divorced woman,who has a past of pills addiction,moves with her two kids into her aunt's house,as her husband and their nanny(who have a kid of their own) got the house.


From their first night there, the dog seems to be rattled by whatever is out there. One day he runs away and when he comes back, his eyes look like a vampire's, and attacks the boy.


The mother takes him to the hospital where they give him many blood transfusions. The mother notices he doesn't eat anything, he finds food repulsive, but drinks blood. So she does what any loving mother would,for her kid. Being a nurse, she starts stealing the blood in storage to give him,labeling the packages as Damaged, but soon the boss changes the password to the storage room as they think someone is stealing them.

As her son grows more hungry for blood, Jess gives him her own blood, so she is tired all the time.


At the same time, a woman with cancer,who asked her to kill her,as she doesn't want to go through the same thing she did the first time she had cancer,is brought to the hospital as she tried to kill herself. She makes it,and when she is released, Jess offers to take her home, just that she takes her to her home, locking her in the basement, tied up to a chair taking her blood. The woman asked to be killed so she won't suffer,so she ends up torturing her more than the cancer.


The kid grows more and more hungry,at one point he drinks within a few hours the cancer woman's blood, his mother's blood and tries to kill his father's baby and his sister. It just feels he needs to feed all the time,which is ridiculous considering he's just a kid!


What didn't make sense with me - I though sick blood is refused by vampires,etc.. but in this movie the kid drinks the woman's cancer blood. Also, if one has cancer, wouldn't that also sicken the one drinking it? Sick people aren't allowed to donate blood,as they could infect the healthy. I recall in 'Interview with the vampire' Lestat almost dies because he drank sick or poisoned blood!


The mother is also very bad at covering her tracks, as she tries to get the cancer woman from her bed, and when the front desk tells her she left, she runs away leaving the wheelchair there,as her colleague looks at her stunned. She approaches the cancer patient at the bus station, in front of the hospital where they have cameras,and where people who know her can see her taking her, so the police would come for her after the woman is reported missing or found dead!



At the end,they take her daughter away from her,for something that happened under her husband,his wife,and the social worker's watch! So,they take the kids away from her as they find her tired all the time(because she keeps on feeding him a lot of her blood),the son is missing school because he's a vampire now,so the husband thinks she's using again. The kids go back to their mother's place,as the daughter wants to burn down this dead tree which she thinks hides the creature which infected the dog and through it, her brother. The mother has no idea they left their father's place(while the father,his wife and the social worker talk downstairs) and she's taking more blood from her arm,to feed her son,then goes to sleep.

The kids go to this tree which is close to their property,not anywhere their mother's view. But it's her fault.


The movie had a good story, but it bored me,due to where it went since the kid was brought home. I understand why the mother did what she did, but her character and her son were unlikeable, willing to kill countless others just for this kid to survive. This kid who seemed selfish,always thinking about his next fix and nothing else. It just seemed that when he was acting like his normal self he was pretending the way predators do,to mislead the prey. I kept on thinking,that if allowed to survive, as a kid,not being taught the value of life,as he was fed blood whenever he wanted it,he could become a ruthless predator who didn't learn anything,and didn't appreciate anything besides his own existence.


The actors were all great,especially Michelle Monaghan,who played the mother who's doing everything to save her kid. She is desperate because he might die, and also because her husband is trying to take the kids away from her.


Blood is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender !