Blue streak

Year of release : 1999


Run time : 1h34min


Genre : Comedy / Crime


Cast : Martin Lawrence, Dave Chappelle, Luke Wilson



The movie is inspired by the 1965 movie The Big Job.


Miles Logan and his team of thieves are out on a job, stealing a diamond. The police gets suspicious, as they see their driver waiting in front of the bank, going through the cigarettes like crazy.


Once they get the diamond, one of them decides to keep it for himself, and kills one of them. He falls right on top of the police car.


About to get caught by the police, Miles makes a run for it,and realizing what his partner is up to, runs into a building under construction, and hides the diamond in the ventilation system.


He gets caught, and 2 years later, when he's out of jail, he goes back to the building in question to get his diamond. One problem though, the building is now the police's headquarters!


He convinces his "uncle" to make him a fake detective badge and file, and goes into the police station, thinking he's gonna be in there only one hour. Problem is, pretending to be a good detective, he keeps on being sent on cases,which he actually solves!


This is one of my favorite movies. The actors are all great, I laughed with tears the whole time, and once again, I didn't feel the passing of time, as the movie is entertaining.


I hated the soundtrack.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : It's so money!