Bones and all

Year of release : 2022


Run time : 2h11min


Genre : Drama / Horror / Road trip


Cast : Timothee Chalamet



The movie is based on the novel of the same name by Camille DeAngelis.


Maren, an 18 year old girl, lives with her father, as they travel from town to town, and he doesn't let her go out or have any friends. We find out from the get-go why he doesn't, as one night, as she sneaks out,to see her friends, out of the blue, she eats one's finger.

Coming home, her father tells her to pack her things in 3 minutes, before the police shows up.


Her father leaves her, as he can't do this anymore, and leaves her a tape with a recording he made, in which he's telling her he knew about her cannibalism ever since she was 3 years old and ate her nanny.


The reason why they move so much is her,eating people,and being wanted by the police.

Her father leaves her her birth certificate and money, so she goes looking for her mother.


She meets an old man who says he's an eater and tells her he could smell her from miles away, and that eaters can smell other eaters. The old man is in an old woman's house, as he says he can smell people who are about to die, and eats them after they die.

Maren is afraid to stay with him, and leaves the next day after she feeds on the poor woman.


She meets Lee, another cannibal who reminds me of a serial killer, as he pretends to be gay to get men,killing them to eat. They eat normal food too, but every once in a while, they feel the need to eat human flesh, and they are like rabid dogs when that happens,getting euphoric after, as if they took drugs.


She stays with him, and together drive across country to find her mother.

They are supposed to be in love, but I didn't believe their love story, as it's hardly in there, every once in a while they kiss and that's it. No talk of greater feelings,as I guess,being cannibals and all, aren't capable of much.


The title of the movie comes from a line of the movie in which a cannibal tells them they have yet to reach the phase in which they eat the people with bones and all.


I personally disliked the movie, as it bored me. I didn't like the characters, as I think cannibals should be imprisoned or killed, and definitely not be allowed to multiply.


The actors were good, but I hated their clothes and hair. Timothee always looks disheveled, with messy and weirdly cut hair, dirty clothes or skin. The lead actress has this weird haircut, with her bangs cut too short.


The soundtrack was Ok.


The movie is out in cinemas,and is for rent on Amazon, Apple, DirecTv, Redbox, Vudu.


Rating : Could have been a contender !