Boy kills world

Year of release : 2023


Run time : 1h51min


Genre : Action


Cast : Bill Skarsgard, Famke Janssen



Boy lives in a dystopian city,with his mother and sister.

The city is ruled by a rich family, where the ones found having guns are k1lled.His mother was a gun enthusiast,and the kids hated her.

Once a year, the rich family ruling the city catch 12 people they get to k1ll live on tv,in what they call The Culling.


Boy has different memories of how his mother and sister died (which is explained at the end), and was best friends with his sister,loving her very much, so much he started seeing her around,talking to him,and mostly getting in the way,and getting him into trouble.


Boy is helped by a shaman who trains him to become a martial arts expert to fight the family ruling with an iron fist ,avenging the death of his family.


Boy had his tongue cut out by the evil family (or so he thinks,his memories are blurred ),so he can't talk.

Boy has this internal narration in the voice of a video game host he liked,which is cool and funny (I kept on thinking if this was Bill's voice,as he sounded like Batman).


Out with the shaman to get food, the rulers are on the streets trying to get the 12 people to k1ll on live tv, and Boy has enough of it, starting his war against them.

He is pretty good at it, as he single handedly k1lls them all,the only one who's as good as him being this woman,who at first I thought was a robot,due to the fact she wears a helmet which writes words,as she doesn't talk.


He makes a friend he frees from slavery,who takes him to his friend, who's lips he cannot read, so we can't understand him either! The two help him fight against the system,but he can't understand the plan, as the man who's lips he cannot read does the talking!

Nevertheless, he still manages to follow the plan to a dot!


The movie is action packed,beginning to end. And it's funny. I liked the action scenes, the actors were fun to watch,and, I liked the twist at the end.

Also, the movie,due to The Culling, gave me strong Hunger Games vibes.

But...there's a scene in which they show us that he shaman cut his ears, but his ears are fine through the whole movie as a grown up..


The acting was great,the actors were entertaining, and fun to watch!It looked like they all had a great time filming. Bill Skarsgard had to act only with his face,mostly his eyes.

Fun fact: Bill and Famke played mother and son in the series Hemlock Grove too,10 years prior, where she also,only wore white.


The visual effects were good.


I liked the soundtrack,it was funny at times and suspenseful.


The movie is streaming on Apple+, and is for rent on Amazon, Apple, FlixFling, Spectrum, and for sale on Amazon,Apple, Fandango.


Rating : Worth a watch !