
Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Family / Animation / Adventure


Voices : Emma Thompson, Billy Connolly, Kevin McKidd, Kelly MacDonald



Merida, a young Scottish clan chief's daughter, is a tom boy who likes climbing the tallest mountains, and archery. Her mother has other things for her in mind,like marriage with one of the sons of the chiefs of their subordinate clans.


In order to get her mother off her back,she ends up asking a witch with many unsatisfied clients on her belt ( her own words not mine) to change her mother. As we know,how you use your words is very important in wishes,so,when she feeds her mother the cake the witch gave her,her mother turns into a bear. Her 3 siblings too.


Now Merida and her mother must tie the bond between them which was broken,and understand each other's point of view,before the 2nd sunrise,or her mother will remain a bear forever.


I liked the cartoon,it had funny moments,teachable moments,the mother and daughter learn to work things out..

What I didn't understand,in the casting of the spell ,was why did the mother have to suffer for her daughter's wrong choice of words,and remain an animal her whole life. I think the consequences of her own actions should be suffered by the one making the wish.

The witch should have ( in my opinion)been banned from ever practicing magic,and her powers taken away from her, if such a thing is possible,considering she had a thing for turning people into animals,bears mostly ( she turned a prince who wanted the strength of 10 men into a bear,and he remained like that forever)

Like,how does that work,why does she think anyone would want to be an animal when asking for certain things ? Since her reaction to it,is always turning someone into a bear!


Rating : Worth a watch !