Butter aka Never Too Big

Year of release : 1998


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Action / Thriller


Cast : Shemar Moore, Nia Long, Terrence Howard


The corrupt executives of a record company k!ll their star singer staging a drug overdose suicide instead of letting her leave the company for another.


This movie started right off the bat, awful. The acting is bad, the music is awful, the lines are awful, it was cut awful.

One line of the movie is "girl you know you're looking butter" I didn't know what butter is supposed to mean, fine, fit, rich?!, when she says she looks fat, when she's actually thin.


This smart guy's sister ( the one with the precious line' girl you know you're looking butter') asks him if he missed her, and he says " don't nobody miss you" because her records are played 24 hours a day.

Another scene is with a guy who comes to k!ll a guy dancing in a car as if he has a seizure, but the guy with the seizure k!lls / shoots him first, and what do you know, the police appears right away right next to them as they shoot each other, as if they planned it, guns in both hands, no badge.

Another scene happens in the bathroom with this singer "the greatest singer in the world", she's in the bathtub,and out of the blue,two hands land on her mouth and neck,and she doesn't fight back,her arms are still in the bath water,as another hand injects her with something! They took her from the bathtub and placed her at a table,dressed her up,and staged it as if she took drugs and overdosed.


I can't watch it,it's too dumb!


The movie is available on Amazon Prime Video, Just Dial, Redbox, Roku, Tubi Tv, Vudu,and it's out on DVD since 2001.


Rating : The horror ,THE HORROR !