Call me by your name

Languages : English / Italian / French


Year of release : 2017


Run time : 2h12min


Genre : Drama


Cast : Armie Hammer, Thimothee Chalamet



The movie is based on the novel by Andre Aciman.


Elio is a teenager who's life is disturbed by the arrival of his father's temporary assistant. At first seemingly intrigued by him,and maybe kinda unimpressed, Elio starts to develop a passion for the man.


As he tries to come to terms with his feelings, he starts dating the girl who likes him. And then slowly,but surely starts pursuing Oliver.


The movie is a slow burn,and I really enjoyed the first one hour and a half,but afterwards I kinda started getting bored. I also didn't like the fact the movie doesn't have a happy ending,and ends on a sad,broken hearted note on Hanukkah.


The movie has beautiful landscapes,really beautiful landmarks, a gorgeous house and great acting. All the actors gave their best,especially the two leads, both straight males who played their characters very convincingly. Thimothee Chalamet was particularly amazing.


Rating : Could have been a contender !