
Year of release : 2013


Run time : 1h41min


Genre : Horror


Cast : Chloe Grace Moretz, Julianne Moore, Ansel Elgort



Carrie is based on the 1974 Stephen King novel of the same name,and a remake of the 1976 classic.


Carrie is a lonely girl who gets her period while showering at school,and thinks she's going to die due to the blood and pain.

All the girls who are in the sports class with her laugh at her, throw tampons at her, and one of them even films her. Their sports teacher sends them away,and helps Carrie.


Carrie is a sad character because she is isolated,she has no friends,everybody finds her weird,and her mother is insane,a Bible-thumper, to the point she didn't know she was pregnant,thinking giving birth was cancer,and having sex with her husband was a sin!


Her mother raised her preaching a distorted word of God to her, and punishing her by locking her in the closet when she dared confront her in any way. Like,for example,when Carrie told her she should have told her about getting her period,because the school laughed at her.


Her mother hurts herself when people give her compliments,I guess ,so she won't feel joy or take pride in her work?


After this incident at school, the sports teacher punishes the whole class of girls who laughed at Carrie,threatening the ones who refuse to get their punishment with suspension,and not being able to go to the prom.


One of them,the one who filmed Carrie,and even put the video online, refuses to comply,and is suspended. She decides to punish Carrie for her own failures,and herself and her boyfriend's friends go to a farm,kill a pig,gets its blood,and decide to pour it on Carrie when she is queen of the prom.


The acting was good,so were the visual effects.


I kept on thinking while watching the movie,there's no way people,teenagers are that evil,the things they do to her,and even when she's splashed with the pig's blood, they laugh at her..I don't understand how is that funny?


One thing that bothered me was the fact the girl who feels remorse and wants to help her,goes to her house in the last scene; also that her mother stabbed Carrie in the back, they were both thrown away,Carrie fell down the stairs, but she was fine..


I liked the movie,but I couldn't help but compare it to its original,and thinking that one did a better job at portraying Carrie's mental state,especially once she is splashed with the blood ,the terror which takes over her,to the point she can't distinguish the ones who helped her and were nice to her,from the ones who wronged her and treated her bad. I remember her mother's words being played over and over again,distorted, 'they will all laugh at you',showcasing where she's at mentally,and how seeing everyone laugh at her,and the boy dead,traumatized her.


Rating : Worth a watch !