Cashmere mafia

Year of release : 2008


Run time : 43min, 7 episodes


Genre : Drama / Tv Series


Cast : Lucy Liu, Miranda Otto



Mia is asked by her boyfriend to marry him,right at the beginning of the episode,( the only thing I liked about the movie,plot wise),right after, their boss is telling them they have to compete for a higher rank,the other one being let go !?.. I was completely unimpressed by how she was fighting dirty to win against him,considering he was her man!!!


Caitlin breaks up with her boyfriend, and thinks she might be gay,as she is attracted to a woman she goes out with.


Zoe has two kids, has a husband who might be looking for a job and also works a demanding job,so she's looking for a nanny. She finds a young,hot one,who comes with a lot of demands. The nanny also listens to loud music at night,if she doesn't go to the club,and smokes in the house,around the kids.


Juliet's husband travels a lot,and she finds out from Zoe,who sees him with their rival, that he is cheating on her on these 'trips' when he's actually at the hotel in town.


The movie felt like a series of scenes from my and my friends' lives,and it bored me. I don't want to watch more of what I live daily,and don't know how people like these kind of movies!


They are all accomplished women, who have high,important jobs, you can't tell them apart!


I found the males, except for Frances O'Connor's husband,Eric,played by Julian Ovenden, very unattractive.


The only thing I liked about it were the outfits.


The series ran from January to February 2008,and had 7 episodes. It felt like a bad 'Sex and the city'.I think it was meant to replace it,but it didn't work.


The series are called Cashmere Mafia,because apparently that's how these 4 friends are called by people.


I didn't like the music,but it was better than the music they play in tv dramas.


The acting was fine.


You can watch the episode here (if you like it,you can find all the other episodes too) :


Rating : Could have been a contender !