Castle Rock

Season 2



Year of release : 2019


Run time : 35-60min


Genre : Psychological Supernatural Horror / Mystery / Thriller / Mini Series / Tv Series


Cast : Tim Robbins, Lizzy Caplan



Nurse Annie travels from state to state with her daughter, as she only works at hospitals for short amounts of time,only enough time to steal the pills she needs for her mental condition.


They end up in Castle Rock, where she gets a job at the hospital, and keeps on trying to get the key to the drug safe,in order to get her 3 kind of pills, and vanish.

Things don't go as planned anymore for her, as the doctor catches her, and writes her a prescription, but with different pills.


The town is ran by Pop and his family,played by Tim Robbins, who receive a weekly pay from the residents,like a sort of mafia payment.

Pop has cancer and is on chemotherapy.


Pop's nephew is taking money from the community and doesn't allow them to leave, and he's the one running the place where nurse Annie and her daughter live.


He burns down his own step brother's house, and unluckily for him, Annie's daughter sees him making the Molotov Cocktails. Therefore, he comes after her, threatening Annie, letting her know free internet comes at the price of him having to know what they search.


So Annie kills him. Only problem is, he doesn't stay dead.


Annie confides in her daughter, who thinks she has one of her episodes, and ties her to the bed, drugging her.


In episode 4 Nadia finds the truth about the man who adopted her.

The resurrected man keeps on killing people and turning them .


Episode 5 is dedicated to Annie, as we find out her story,and why she's the way she is.


Episode 6 brings Rita, Annie's step mother to Castle Rock, as Joy called her in an attempt to find the truth.


Episode 7 goes back in time to reveal what happened to the settlers of Castle Rock, a religious French community,whom today's people believed to have been devil worshipers.


Their crops died, and they were on the brink of death.

The daughter of the priest was seeing things and was cast out with her man. On their own, she sees the angel, who tells her what to do for their crops to grow.

She goes back to her community, tells them this, they accept her as their leader, except for three people,one of them being her father, who think her possessed (SPOILER which she probably was),so she shows them the mercy of burning them alive on upside down crosses.


They build a statue to this angel who seems to look a lot like one of the characters of season 1.


After a very short while, the angel tells this woman considered a witch, to commit mass suicide, as they'll be resurrected 400 years later. SPOILER To me it seems this entity is evil,he was probably the one who caused the crops to die and everything else, so, he caused the problem, so he'd offer the solution, belief in him,in exchange for prosperity.


In the present, they kill people,then put them in their coffins with a certain liquid in them, and they resurrect as the settlers with the memories of the body they have taken.


The male leader of the group chooses Annie to be the vessel for the witch, as she was the one who threw the man's body into the pit their coffins were, waking him up. So he thinks her special.


Seeing Joy's drawings, the community start believing Joy is the vessel.



In episode 8, at the 400 years commemoration of the settlers' death, the settlers, now in other people's bodies, reveal the statue of the angel, who hypnotizes people,making them follow it around. It's supposed to be the same sound people considered the voice of God in season 1,although it doesn't sound like it.


The settlers keep on killing people left and right, in order to convert them.


Annie realizes something's wrong,as her dead mother keeps on appearing to her, as the settlers replaced her pills with vitamins.



In episode 9 the settlers try to get Pop,for he knows where their "angel" is. What fascinates me with evil is, they committed mass suicide, now they kill people left and right to take their bodies, and still think they're the good ones.

The settlers want to kill the whole world for they think they lost their soul, the irony.



Episode 10 sees Annie and Joy's friend trying to get her back from the settlers who prepared her for the dusk ceremony to bring back their Amity.

SPOILER I don't think Joy was possessed by Amity, for in order for that to happen they would have had to have stabbed her with the dagger and put her in the coffin for the weaving. Also, how can Joy emancipate herself from her sister who doesn't have any documents, she just kidnapped her?


To be honest, I think Annie would have eventually done the same thing to Joy, even without the Amity possession, as she wanted Joy to always be with her, to have no one but her,no friends,no man,no life other than what she has with her.


I personally didn't enjoy this season as much as the 1st one, quite the opposite, it pretty much bored me until episode 3. The series picked up after a few episodes, and gets really good,around episode 6,until the end.


The acting was good. I loved Lizzy Caplan's portrayal of the crazy nurse. She was by far, the best.

I hated the nurse's daughter, she is just annoying to me. So was her friend.


The soundtrack was good.

The visual effects were good.


A Hulu original production, the series are streaming on Hulu, DirecTv and HBO Max, and is for sale on Amazon, Apple, Google, Vudu.


Rating : Worth a watch !