China moon

Year of release : 1994


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery


Cast : Ed Harris, Madeleine Stowe , Benicio Del Toro, Charles Dance



Homicide detective Kyle Bodine is always the best when it comes to solving a murder. He can tell what happened and who did it while at the scene .

One fateful night,at the bar where he and his partner always have drinks,he sees Rachel,and falls instantly in love with her.


Rachel seems to have a husband who is slapping her around while cheating on her and refusing to give her a divorce. Or so we think.


Although reluctant at first,Rachel gives into Kyle's charm,and they start an affair.


As her husband keeps on cheating on her while keeps on knocking her around,she tells Kyle she could k!ll him and even get away with it. And then just vanishes.

Kyle is worried. When he finally hears from her she tells him she wants to be with him and is leaving her husband. While going home,in the middle of the night ,to get her clothes,she gets into an altercation with her husband and k!lls him. She asks Kyle to help her cover the murder.


Although until now ,Kyle's partner was never good at his job,all of a sudden he excels in solving the murder.


The acting at first I thought it wasn't that great from Madeleine's part,but maybe she was asked to act that way,like someone who doesn't show emotion because there's nothing there left, or someone who hides her emotion and just comes across as empty,with an almost blank look on their face. Or someone who's not good at faking emotion,as the idea was to make him fall for her.


In the beginning the movie has a few scenes with bad lines,in which everything is awkward,the actors,the dialogue,but after it picks up,and is a good thriller.


I didn't care for the soundtrack,which I'd say at the beginning ,is really bad. I did like the song played at the bar .


Apparently the movie was inspired by the movie Body Heat from 1981,which by the way,I was thinking of while watching, thinking about the ending,and wondering if it was this movie or that one ( I watched it before).


The title of the movie is taken from a line Kyle says to Rachel,on one of their first dates, about how his grandmother thought the full moon to look like a China plate.


You can find the full movie here :


Rating : Worth a watch !