
Year of release : 1978


Run time : 1h53min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Genevieve Bujold, Michael Douglas, Tom Selleck



The movie is based on a novel by Robin Cook.


Dr. Susan Wheeler has a friend who goes into a coma and dies after a minor abortion procedure.

She becomes intrigued of how is it possible for a healthy woman her age to go into a coma and die just like that.


She soon discovers there are a lot of patients at her hospital who just end up in comas for no reason.

Right after her friend goes into a coma another patient with another minor injury goes into a coma.

There’s something wrong with surgery room 08.


Nobody believes her,not even her boyfriend,as she fights alone to find the truth.


She soon discovers that the medical staff is implicated in a human trafficking network, selling the organs of the ones they put into comas with carbon monoxide.


The acting is good. Michael Douglas plays the boyfriend,but he’s not the lead.Tom Selleck also plays a small part.


Rating : It's so money !