Come true

Year of release : 2020


Run time : 1h45min


Genre : Sci Fi / Horror


Writer / Director : Anthony Scott Burns



Come True is the story of a runaway from home who, needing a place to sleep, and having weird nightmares,joins a sleep study for the money and the aforementioned place to sleep.


Soon, all the people there have the same dream of the same shadow with glowing eyes. The shadow seems to spill into reality too, as the lead is sleepwalking towards a place where she finds her stolen phone.


The images she dreams about are disturbing, the images I think could be found in a very disturbed mind. We are never explained what they are .


The movie was sectioned into 4 parts, like chapters, with titles- The Persona, The Anima and The Animus, The shadow and The Self.


The movie has remnants of sleep paralysis, as after a while when they dream their eyes open,but they still sleep thinking they are awake and see the dark shadow coming closer to them, frightening them;

narcolepsy,on top of sleepwalking, as the lead falls asleep during s3x with a man who is probably ten years older than her-- she is a teenager, she says she's 18.


human psychosexual disorder as sexual cannibalism,as at the end we see that she ate her lover during s3x, so she's also a cannibal. She even has fangs...


The end of the movie is just wrong,as we see the message to her,that she's been in a coma for 20 years and the scientists try to get to her.

Now, that would be a great idea for a movie, as those are my favorite kind of movies in which the action happens in people's heads, but this was a fail.

We have no idea who the shadow is ( probably death),what does he want..we have no idea why she ran away from home..


It felt like an unfinished project which got the go because the writer didn't have inspiration for it anymore and didn't want to wait for it anymore.


This is the perfect example of having an idea but not knowing where to go with it. The pieces of the puzzle just don't fit together because there's still a few which are missing. The movie started out so well but then completely fell apart.


The soundtrack was great, the music was haunting, a bit scary sounding and dream-like at the same time. The song they played when they were showing her seeing the man's dream didn't match in my opinion. And what's weird, he dreamt of her with fangs too..


The acting was great, especially from the lead actress Julia Sarah Stone.


The movie is streaming on Hulu, and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, Google Play, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : The Horror, The HORROR ! pun intended