
Year of release : 1959


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Crime / Suspense



The movie is based on the 1956 novel of the same name,by Meyer Levin, inspired by the Leopold and Loeb murder trial, trial which also inspired the 2002 Sandra Bullock and Ryan Gosling movie,Murder by Numbers.


Sociopathic students Judd and Artie murder a boy just because they could, wanting to prove themselves and the world, that due to their genius, they could get away with murder.


It's obvious Artie is off the rails,as that very same night, he wants to run over a drunk man who is strolling through the middle of the road.


They are very confident they fooled the police, as Artie is even working with them, giving them false clues, making them dig roads, laughing at them.


Unluckily for them,one journalist trying to write a hit piece finds a clue the police missed: a pair of glasses which didn't belong to the victim.


The actors are good,Dean Stockwell was gorgeous when he was young, the movie is well written.


The only thing that got me out of it was the boys' lawyer's monologue, at the end of the movie,which was too long, boring and annoying! He was fighting to let the criminals off the hook,blaming the parents!


The link to the full movie here :


Rating : Worth a watch !