
Language : Korean


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h46min


Genre : Thriller / Mystery



The movie is a remake of the 2016 Spanish movie Contratiempo,translated into English as The Invisible Guest.


The movie starts with lawyer Yang Shin-ae driving to Yoo Min-ho's secluded cabin, the CEO of an IT company, suspected for having killed a woman in a hotel room.


His lawyer wants the truth from him,as she wants to make sure she can defend him in the best way, without any surprises from the opposition. He keeps on saying he is innocent,portraying himself as the victim,and his mistress as the villain.


His lawyer doesn't buy his act,and tells him she thinks the two of them killed a teenager on their way home,and were trying to cover up the murder.


The first half of the movie follows the original,but then separates itself from it. The first part has only a few things different from the original,like the place where the lawyer meets him,and the characters' significant others. Even the story with the hotel room,and the hotel room is the same.


The actors were all great,they each held their own. I was mostly impressed by the three leads, So Ji-sub,Nana and Yunjin Kim.


The soundtrack was good.


I don't know if the movie had visual effects,if it did they were great!


Rating : Worth a watch !