
Year of release : 2017


Language : German / English


Run time : 55 min / Tv Series / 10 episodes


Genre : Sci Fi / Action / Thriller




1 season


Howard Silk who's been working for this agency he knows nothing about for about 30 years, discovers that there are two dimensions of reality as his counterpart crosses over and asks him to help with his endeavor .


As the show goes on, we find out the other side hold this side responsible for the flue pandemic which wiped out 7% of their population and is now out for vengeance.

On the other side a pandemic happened in 1992 - people are wearing masks, desinfect their hands as those devices are everywhere, including on the streets, and get the vaccine every 3 months.

There are many ads on tv and on the street about the pandemic, the year now is 2017, they still wear masks. The ads say if one is sick they are a criminal.


The action takes place in Berlin, they speak in German and English.


The movie to me, is pretty boring, I don't like the whole communist atmosphere of Berlin.

I also don't understand if they're supposed to be American or German, since they speak half in English half in German, and to me is not necessarily distracting, but I don't like it. If the movie takes place in Berlin, then they are Germans, they speak all the time in German or not at all.


I don't like the bleak, dark colors, it's as if the movie or the place, the era, has no life. It feels like a totalitarian state. Berlin is a beautiful city but they filmed in the ugliest locations.


All the characters more or less, are unlikable to me. The villains, the terr*rists are evil and unlikable, and even the good ones are so flawed that they are disgusting and I hate them. The only ones who are not as bad are the two versions of Howard, but even the tough Howard is unlikable at the beginning. The same thing with his wife once we find out about her.

Quayle at first is unlikable because he cheats on his wife, then because when he finds out who she is, he protects her putting the blame on innocents.

There's really no one to like in these series as they are all shades of gray, but of the darkest gray. If I don't like the characters, the mood, the setting, the era, I hate the movie.


My favorite when it comes to acting was Sara Serraiocco, who played Baldwin. I loved how she acted, you could read the emotions on her face, she just seemed very natural to me. But,there is a but. They keep on showing us things about her private life which to me are of no interest. I'm at episode 6 and she already had explicit s3x with 2 different women. The only s3x scenes in this movie are of her with other women. It seems Hollywood, whenever they make a movie lately have to check the lgbt board to make sure they're inclusive enough aka brainwash people with their propaganda,because make no mistake,this is propaganda, in more ways than one.


These series don't speak to me, as I finished the season and I don't like it,so I won't be watching season 2.


Counterpart is streaming on Amazon Prime Video, and for sale on Amazon, Apple, Google Play, Redbox, Vudu.


Rating : Could have been a contender !