
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h14min


Genre : Action / Comedy


Cast : Emma Stone, Emma Thompson, Mark Strong



The movie follows the life of Estella,who was a sort of problem child due to the fact her hair was half white half black,so kids made fun of her to the point they did the most atrocious things to her,so she fought back. As a last resort in the attempt of not getting her expelled,her mother moves her to another school. They need money so the mother goes to a rich friend of hers.


Unable to stay out of trouble Estella crashes the party and in an attempt to get rid of the three dalmatians who were after her,she runs outside. Just as she hides from them,she sees them jumping her mother as she was talking to her friend,throwing her off the cliff,killing her.


Estella becomes an orphan and lives with the burden of thinking she killed her mother. She meets two orphans who were stealing in order to survive,who take her in,and years later they are best friends stealing together.

They know how much she likes fashion so they manage to get her a job at a fashion house,where,unluckily, she gets to clean the bathrooms. But then something wonderful happens,as the Baroness sees her work displayed in the display window so she hires her.


From there on, Estella starts seeing who the Baroness really is,which is,not a nice lady at all.

Nothing can impress the Baroness and even when it does,she's not losing herself in praises.


The Baroness is a very selfish,narcissistic woman,who sees other people's achievements - as long as they work for her - as her own. Like,for example,she can't create anything,her team comes with the ideas,and then she congratulates herself saying that she's the best designer or something like that,for something someone else came up with.


After seeing her mother's necklace on the Baroness, Estella starts seeing her with new eyes,and concocts a plan to bring her down.

So,she creates a stage persona or an alter ego that she used to use as a kid, Cruella.


The two Emmas of this movie were brilliant. I personally always liked them both as I saw them in many movies and I was always impressed.

I don't know what Mark Strong is doing in this movie as his character is more of a cameo,he needed a bigger, more important role.


The outfits, the jewelry, the interior design were a feast for the eyes,everything was so glamorous,even the decrepit house Estella lived in with her two partners in crimes had a certain charm..


The only thing in the movie that I thought didn't work for that era was the flammable dress taken out of the Hunger Games,as it happened in the '70's so they didn't have that kind of technology.


The movie is actually 2 hours as the last 14 minutes are just the credits.


Cruella is a Disney movie and is streaming on Disney Plus,and is for rent or sale on Amazon, Apple, AMC on Demand, DirecTv, Google, Microsoft Store, Redbox, Vudu, YouTube.


Rating : Worth a watch !