Dark city : Director’s cut

Year of release : 1998


Run time : 1h43min


Genre : Sci - Fi / Noir / Mystery


Cast : Rufus Sewell, Jennifer Connelly , Kiefer Sutherland , William Hurt



The leading character awakens in a hotel room,in a red water bathtub with no memory of who he is. We see these strange characters,these strange figures,these pale, elongated people dressed in these long black robes with names like Mr Hand,Mr Face,Mr Book who talk about the city and its citizens.


Soon we discover what happens there,that these characters are aliens who do an experiment on the people living there,people they inject with new memories every 24 hours ,in an attempt to find the human soul.

The leading character woke up before he could be injected with the shot to turn him into a serial killer because his wife apparently cheated on him.

These entities place people who’ve never met, together,giving them new identities,making them spouses.


The lead gets obsessed with Shell Beach,and asks people how to get there but nobody knows how. They soon realize as they try to think about their memories that they make no sense and hold no water.

He also is the only one who notices there is no sun,there’s always dark in that place.


One of the aliens decides to inject himself with memories the lead, now knowing his name is John Murdock,should have had,in an attempt to find him,as in a brief encounter with him,they discover he has powers.

The aliens work with a human doctor who has plans of his own.


I loved this movie,it's one of my favorites since I first watched it.

The acting is top notch.

The visuals are amazing,I love the visuals of the building of the city every 24 hours,how buildings come out of nothing and go into nothing while people fall asleep no matter what they were doing.


I watched many movies with Rufus Sewell and this is the only one in which he plays the good guy,and I must say,I liked it.


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !