Dear murderer

Year of release : 1947


Run time : 1h30min


Genre : Thriller / Crime / Noir



This British movie is based on the play by St.John Legh Clowes.


Coming home from working for 6 months in the USA,as he thinks his wife unfaithful,as she didn't write ,as promised (in her defense,he wanted her to write to him daily),business man,Lee Warren, looks through her belongings, and goes to the house of her latest lover,planning to k!ll him.


He meets the man,asks him to write his wife a letter,upon hearing the man wants nothing to do with her anymore, and after, confesses to him how he wants to k!ll him ( I never understood the ones who confess,I guess it's for the audience),the man tells him he's not the only one his wife messed around with.


As he wants to leave,his wife and her new man,enter the former lover's house, messing around. He realizes the man told the truth about her having multiple men.


The police work on the case,and think the wife and her new lover (who used to be engaged to the sister of the man Lee k!lled),as apparently Lee committed the perfect murder (eye roll),committed the murder.


From here on, they try to convince each other of things, Lee confesses to his wife,for some unknown reason, as the police try to convince her to make her husband or her lover confess to the murder.


The plot was Ok, I just didn't think this was the perfect murder. Vivien was obviously one of those women who sleep around,not meant to be married,as she told every man what they wanted to hear,that she loved them,being very manipulative.


The title comes from the letter Vivien wrote to her husband after he confessed,and she left him for a short while.


The acting was Ok.


I hated the soundtrack. At times it was so loud,I couldn't understand what they were saying!


You can watch the full movie here,for free :


Rating : Worth a watch!