Death becomes her

Year of release : 1992


Run time : 1h44min


Genre : Fantasy / Comedy


Starring : Meryl Streep,Goldie Hawn,Bruce Willis


Director : Robert Zemeckis



The movie centers around two rivals,a famous actress Madeline Ashton and a writer Helen Sharp. Helen brings her fiance Ernest Menville to meet Madeline,to test his love,and he fails as he falls in love with Madeline and marries her.

Helen goes crazy and puts on a lot of weight,and ends up in a mental institution. There she has a revelation,and loses the weight,writing a book about it.


About 14 years later they meet again and Helen looks younger than ever although she’s 50.

Madeline struggles with aging,and tries her best not to show any signs of growing old. She has young lovers and goes tirelessly to beauty salons for treatments.

Ernest lost his job as a respected surgeon and now beautifies the dead,since he’s a bit of an alcoholic.


Desperate to look young as she’s invited to Helen’s book party,Madeline goes to her beautician asking for a treatment to make her look young. There,the owner sends her to a mysterious woman,Lisle, who claims to be in her 70’s and gives her what I assume is a very expensive potion called ‘Siempre viva’,meaning immortal.


The movie was funny,the actors great,Meryl Streep was amazing!


The visuals,especially for that time were great!


This is one of my favorite movies,there’s never a dull moment,the actors ,the scenery, are a joy to watch!


Rating : The Stuff Dreams Are Made Of !