Desire and hell at Sunset Motel

Year of release : 1991


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Neo Noir / Dark Comedy


Cast : Sherilyn Fenn



The movie is written and directed by Alien Castle, and is labeled a dark comedy, but I didn't find anything remotely funny about this story which was supposed to be tragic (that's the definition of a dark comedy, telling a tragic story in a funny way).


Chester is an angry man who always has something mean to say to his wife. His wife hates him too, as the two fight all the time. Chester is into conspiracies theories, and thinks his wife cheats on him, so he hires a man who staged his own death, Deadpan, to follow her.


The wife is cheating on her husband with a man who is less attractive than him. We soon discover the man takes money from the husband and tells both, the husband and the wife, lies about each other.


Being a beautiful woman, the wife attracts Deadpan too, whom she takes out with her when she goes out by herself,leaving her husband in the hotel room.


The wife starts having memory lapses, and is told she might have k1lled her husband who apparently was in a car accident, but his body is missing. Just then, she pulls a 180, and decides she loved her husband, and doesn't want any of the men she was dating until now behind her husband's back.


I personally didn't like the movie, I found it boring, the music was atrocious, and almost had me when I though it got interesting, when the wife started having memory lapses, as it was edited and shot in such a way I though maybe she was in a dream world, but No,it was not the case!

I honestly saw coming the reveal at the end, but didn't care, as I found the movie so bad!

There's a scene in which one of the guys she was playing ties her up (they both turn against her because she doesn't put out), and he ties her up without having to turn her over, to see what he's doing, and he just tied her up really good, by not even having to do it properly! (eye roll)

Due to the costumes and the talk about Area 51 and atomic bombs, I think the movie is set in the 1950's.


I didn't like the costumes and set design.


The acting was bad, especially from the guy who plays Deadpen or something, who was always over acting. I noticed Sherilyn Fenn was hailed by critics but I didn't find her good.


The soundtrack was awful, this jazzy music which didn't match anything that was on the screen.


You can watch the full movie here for free :


Rating : The horror, the horror!