Don't come back alive

Language : Spanish


Country : Argentina


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h25min


Genre : Horror / Supernatural Horror



The original title of the movie is "Miete Miedo" which means "Be afraid" ,which ties in with the game the kids were playing in the movie.


Out on a mission, police officer Camila Rivas falls through the roof inside a house where a ritual takes place. She falls right in the middle of the pentagram,while the cult members dressed in white cloaks burn themselves to death. The fire spreads to Camila,but the police unit manages to get her out, while the place burns down.


Her friend,criminal prosecutor, Fatima, stays by her side,as due to her severe burns Camila enters a coma.


6 months later, Camila's boyfriend wants nothing to do with her, as he's asking Fatima to go get Camila's things,as he needs his space! He's also,never visiting.


In a coma, Camila is in a continuous nightmare,in which she sees the hospital just the way it is in reality, and is chased by these cloak hooded members of the cult.


Fatima also sees this albino woman that Camila saw right before she was burnt.


Camila wakes up,and sees what she saw in the dream world exists in reality. Fatima takes her to her place to take care of her, but the albino entity, is attached to her, and follows her around.


The movie has a twist at the end which lets us know things aren't as they seem,as maybe this is a revenge story,and not on whom we think. If you watched the movie "Forget me not"(2009,with Bella Thorne when she was little),this one has pretty much the same idea.


The actors were good, the distant boyfriend annoying,as he was never there.


The visual effects were good, so was the soundtrack.


Rating : Worth a watch !