Don't look back / Ne te retourne pas

Release date : 2009


Language : French / Italian


Run time : 1h51min


Genre : Psychological Thriller / Drama


Cast : Monica Bellucci, Sophie Marceau



After her manuscript is being refused by her editor,Jeanne is starting to fell weird and see things that aren't there. For example,her house starts looking differently,her kids don't look the same,her own husband's face starts changing,and so does her own. One day she doesn't know how to get home and doesn't remember her husband's phone number. Looking for a safe space she goes to her mother's place. Her mother is a compulsive gambler. This leads her down a self discovery path,all the way to Italy.


MAJOR SPOILERS - Ending Explained

After a car crash,the soul of Jeanne jumped into Maria Rosa,so her entire life she saw things through her eyes, Maria Rosa's mother was actually her real mother,whom she left back in Italy,as she didn't recognize her,thinking she was Jeanne and thinking Jeanne's mother as being her own.


Her husband to her looked like her brother. Her kids looked somehow the way her and her brother looked when they were kids,especially the boy.

The house she lived in,to her looked like her real mother's house.


What I don't get is,how could her real mother recognize her after thirty years,because people don't look the way they did when they were kids. I certainly don't. How could she know how her brother looked like,since she didn't see him since they were kids?

Something else,the mother wants nothing to do with her,although she was a grown up now,so it wasn't like she had to take care of her.

Anyway,I enjoyed this movie,the visual effects are good,the landscapes and interior design are beautiful,the acting was great,most of the changes happen when Sophie Marceau was playing the character and she was amazing..


Rating : It's so money !