Don't look up

Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h4min


Genre : Comedy / Satire


Cast : Leonardo Di Caprio, Jennifer Lawrence, Meryl Streep, Jonah Hill, Cate Blanchett, Thimothee Chalamet, Ariana Grande, Tyler Perry, Ron Perlman



Kate, a student at Michigan State University, discovers a comet which is heading towards earth. Her and her professor decide to tell NASA and they reach the government. They even get an audience with the president,who is more interested in winning the election.


Randall,played by Leonardo Di Caprio, has stage fright and can barely say a word. Kate comes across as crazy due to the fact she has an outburst as nobody seems to care about their impending doom. So,she is labeled as unlikeable ,and no one wants to talk to her,even the ones in the government hate her.

Randall,on the other hand,is considered attractive,and soon rises to fame. As he becomes more famous,he loses the stage fright and starts to like fame,cheating on his wife with the tv presenter,seeming a sell out.


Finally, the government get on board,and decide to send rockets to destroy the comet,but soon find out it has expensive minerals on it,and want to mine it. So,they decide to exploit it,and break it into small pieces when it gets close to earth.


As the comet is approaching,the president and her staff tell her voters not to look up and ignore the comet sighting across the sky,as the rest of the world is trying to send rockets to destroy it.


The movie was filmed somewhat like a documentary,it reminded me of the tv series Veep.

The movie has also an awkward billionaire who is founding the comet project and tells one of the leads based on his data on him,being on social media,he can predict how he's gonna die. SPOILER He was right about the president's death.

Chris Evans has a cameo.


I really loved the first hour and 23 minutes of the movie,it made me laugh quite a few times,but after,I kinda lost my interest.


All the actors were great,Leonardo Di Caprio was the best to me,he should get an Oscar for this role. I also liked Thimothee Chalamet.


The movie is a Netflix original and streams exclusively on their channel.


Rating : Worth a watch !