
Year of release : 2012


Run time : 1h36min


Genre : Action / Sci Fi


Cast : Karl Urban, Olivia Thirlby, Lena Headey



Dredd is based on the weekly British science fiction '2000 AD' comic strip, Judge Dredd,first published in 1977.


In the future, the USA is an irradiated wasteland, with deserts and inside, a mega-city stretching from Boston to Washington DC with mega blocks and mega highways .


The cops are now jury,judges,executioners, and are called judges.


The movie opens with a scene in which we get to see what judge Dredd is capable of.

He is then asked by his superior to work with trainee Cassandra Anderson who actually failed her academy test,but they decided to keep her because of her mental abilities.


They answer a call on a mission in a 'peach tree' which is a mega building of 200 floors, which includes malls and apartments,so its residents wouldn't have to leave. It also has a 90% unemployment rate.

This particular 'peach tree' is run by Ma-Ma,a ruthless criminal who used to be a prostitute who killed her pimp and took over his business.


Trying to solve the murder of three men who were skinned and thrown off the highest balcony of a peach tree, they find out they have to deal with Ma-Ma herself,as these men were killed by her, after her men gave them the slow-mo drug which stops time, feeling like the moment is forever.


They capture one of her men, and in fear the judges might find out she's the one producing the slo-mo drug, she forces people to do her bidding, by locking the peach tree using its nuclear blast shields, and sending all her men to kill the 2 judges.

So,Cassandra's first day is a trail by fire.


I personally didn't like the movie. I hated the colors .At times it looked like a movie filmed by the film students. The visual effects with the camera feed were awful,the rest to me looked more like a cartoon.


You can never see Karl Urban's face, as it's always hidden by the helmet. At one point, when he was shot by the corrupt judge-cop, I though he was the bad guy-and I cheered-, I couldn't tell them apart!


Also, they could not make up their minds when the mutant could read minds and enter them and when not, as ,conveniently, when she was pulled into the elevator, she couldn't enter the criminal's head. But she immediately enters the corrupt female judge's head,and kills her.

The criminal until that point looked contained,to the point I was wondering if he was one of the good guys doing what was necessary to survive. But then he shows his true colors.


I usually like the villains ,because they are the most fun to watch, especially the women,I like their outfits, hair and makeup,they are sexy..not this one. This one looked like a drugged wh0re,dressed like a man, with short messy hair,almost imitating a man in speech and manners. She was dirty and disgusting.


The soundtrack was fine.


Dredd is streaming on AMC+, Peacock, Plex, and is for rent / sale on Amazon, AppleTv, Google, YouTube.


Rating : Could have been a contender!