Dudley Do-Right

Year of release : 1999


Run time : 1h23min


Genre : Family / Comedy


Cast : Brendan Fraser, Sarah Jessica Parker, Alfred Molina, Eric Idle



Dudley Do-Right is a 1961 leading fictional character of the "Dudley Do-Right of the Mounties", a segment of the " The Rocky and Bullwinkle Show" .


Dudley grew up with Snidely and Nell, as he and Snidely,both hoped for Nell to fall for one of them.


Nell left to see the world, while Snidely became a bad guy,as he thought it to be more fun, as Dudley achieved his dream of becoming a Canadian Mountie.


Snidely has a plan to get rich off people's desire to find gold and get rich,so he robs a bank with his band of 100 robbers,sends them out on a goose chase, and shoots the rivers with gold bullets,in order for people looking for gold to think that's real gold.


Dudley finds him one night, but being gullible and silly, he believes his story,that he was out and about hunting vampires with gold bullets.

This scared Dudley so ,that he was afraid to leave the house.


Nell comes back, Snidely gets rich off this new gold rush , and Dudley falls into disgrace due to Snidely's schemings.


Dudley realizes in order to beat the bad guy,he has to become the bad guy himself.


The movie has the same funny and entertaining narrator as George of the Jungle (1997), who breaks the fourth wall,talking to the characters .


The actors are funny and likeable, even the bad guy. The movie has a sort of cartoonish vibe to it, and I think is mostly directed at children. There are quite a few funny and ridiculous scenes in it,which crack me up every time,like when the master teaches Dudley how to fight, or how the bad guy wears black.


This is one of my favorite movies,a funny,real good time movie.

Rating : Worth a watch !