
Year of release : 2021


Run time : 2h35min


Genre : Sci-Fi / Action


Director : Denis Villeneuve


Cast : Timothee Chalamet, Rebecca Fergusson, Jason Momoa, Oscar Isaac, Stellan Skarsgard, Josh Brolin, Javier Bardem, Zendaya



The movie is based on the 1965 novel by American writer Frank Herbert . The story is set in the very distant future,with a feudal interstellar society in which noble houses control whole planets,planets which each have their own purpose,for example one is an army planet,like Sardaukar,one a spice planet,like Arrakis.


The movie tells the story of Paul Atreides,a young man born with impressive talents with more than one birth right,due to his father's inheritance ,duke Leto Atreides from the House Atreides, and his mother's gifts as a Bene Gesserit,a sisterhood who is key in social,political and religious matters,who trained in mental conditioning to obtain superhuman powers.

Paul's family is tasked with ruling the desert planet Arrakis,holding the most valuable thing in the universe ,the "spice" ,in the book a drug,in the movie fuel.


The destruction of Paul's family leads to visions of a Holy War,as the natives of Arrakis,the fremen, are waiting for their Messiah,what they call Lisan Al-Gaib,the voice from the outer world ,who will lead people to true freedom and the promised land.


The movie was breathtaking. The universe created,the planets with their own rules and inhabitants,the houses, each with their purpose,the sisterhood controlling it all.

The buildings with sculptures..


The costumes were beautiful,I loved the sisters' look,reminiscing of nuns,looking mysterious,majestic,fierce,powerful.

The amazing visuals were combined with amazing eerie,ominous music,penned by the amazing Hans Zimmer,who also wrote music for Inception,Interstellar,The Dark Knight.


The actors were all amazing, Rebecca Fergusson steals the show in any movie I see her lately,in this one she found her match in young Timothee Chalamet who was a great Paul Atreides.


Although the movie was two hours and a half long,I didn't feel the passing of time,and when the movie ended I wanted to watch more.


Rating : The stuff dreams are made of!