
Year of release : 1999


Run time : 1h53min


Genre : Thriller / Heist


Cast : Catherine Zeta Jones, Sean Connery, Will Patton, Ving Rhames



An insurance agent has her eyes on a master thief MacDougal. She convinces her boss to give her the job of setting a trap and catching him.


Once in London,on his tracks,MacDougal seems to be onto her,although she convinces him she's a thief who wants his help to steal a mask.


She then reveals to him,she's not so innocent,being a thief herself,masquerading as an insurance agent.


The movie has quite a few twists,as they keep on playing each other.


Also,Sean Connery was an attractive man in his prime,but in this movie he looks old,and Catherine's character keeps hitting on him,which I found unlikely and also ridiculous. She looked like she could be his daughter.


The movie bored me,I didn't find it appealing,the idea of a young beautiful woman,falling for a man who looks like he could be her father,annoying me.


Also,throughout the movie,they keep on giving us a countdown to the millennium which I didn't understand the reason for,because it had nothing to do with the movie's plot.


The music was awful,the acting was fine,except for Catherine Zeta Jones who was awful in this movie.

Rating : Could have been a contender !