Evil eye

Language : Spanish


Country : Mexico


Year of release : 2022


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Horror / Mystery



Nala, a city girl, doesn't get along with her parents, especially her mother, as she thinks they put her little sister first, as the little girl has always been sick with some strange illness.

Her parents, at her mother's request, along with the daughters, travel back to her place of origin, in the country, a place where she never took her family, and a place the family doesn't know much about.


Once there, they are meeting their grandmother, a hunchback woman, who walks with a cane. The old woman seems strange, and Nala doesn't like her much.

To this ads the stories the servant, Abigail,tells the girls, about the triplets who had a sick sister, two of them trying to save her, going to a witch to find a cure.


Nala thinks her grandmother is a witch, as she keeps on finding her in their room,munching on her sister's leg,but in the morning it all seems to have been a nightmare.

Not just that, but,ever since their parents left them with the old woman, the old woman doesn't seem so old anymore,she loses the hunchback, and the cane!

The old woman seems evil,as she treats Nala really bad, gaslighting her, locking her in the basement,and pretty much saying everything is her fault,while she doesn't let her talk to her parents when they call.


The acting was great, especially from the actress playing Nala, Paola Miguel, who goes from a misunderstood child, who seems to be jealous of her little sister, to being her protector.


The visual effects were great, and so was the make-up.


I also liked the soundtrack.


The movie is streaming on DirecTv, Fubo Tv, Pantaya, and Pantaya Amazon Channel.


Rating : The stuff dreams are made of!