
Year of release : 2018


Run time : 1h35min


Genre : Thriller / Sci-Fi


Cast : Michael Pena, Lizzy Caplan, Israel Broussard



I didn’t watch a new Hollywood movie which didn’t bore me in a long time. This movie was great,start to finish!


So,it's about this man who has what he calls visions of an alien invasion. His wife can’t cope with his night terrors and daily blackouts,and asks him to see a psychiatrist.


He goes to see one,but there,as he waits he has a conversation with another patient who tells them the so called psychiatrist is erasing their memories. So he walks away without seeing them.


The very same night,it starts.


The acting was good,the visual effects great,the soundtrack good.




But,the kicker,the twist is,they aren't visions,they are memories!And the aliens aren’t really aliens,as they look human,and we find out,are human. And the big twist,the cherry on top,the leading characters,are not human but machines!


They banished humanity off the earth and humans came to take it back,50 years later.

The machines chose to erase their own memories to live as humans,while some of them kept them to prepare for humanity’s comeback.


As the second twist unraveled,I couldn’t be on the leading characters’ side,and I sided with the humans,because I’ve seen Terminator and The Matrix,and after all,they did push humanity off the face of the earth,killing all of them in the process,including the ones who didn’t have anything against machines and had android children.


What I found amazing was that they lived 50 years without growing old,the kids without aging,and they were content with it,they didn’t find anything unusual in it. The idea of it felt to me like still life,regress.


Rating : It's so money !