Faces in the crowd

Year of release : 2011


Run time : 1h40min


Genre : Mystery / Thriller


Cast : Milla Jovovich, Julian McMahon, Michael Shanks, Sarah Wayne Callies



Anna seems to live the perfect life,she lives with her boyfriend who loves her,and whom from all accounts is perfect, and has two best friends she goes out with,once a week.


One night, after leaving the club she was at with her friends, she sees a man killing a woman, and being discovered, the man tries to k!ll her and throws her off the bridge they were on.

In the fall she hits her head, and after she wakes up, she can't remember people's faces,the moment they leave her sight, their faces change.


This makes life hard for her, as her boyfriend's face keeps on changing, and he never looks like himself again. In order to keep him with her (as all of a sudden he's not so perfect anymore,as he can't cope with her face blindness) she lies to him she can recognize him,while she draws in her notebook the exact way his tie looks,so she could recognize him.

She can't recognize her father's face, and goes from being the best teacher at kindergarten,to being almost fired,as she can't recognize the children, can't see their real face, so she can't really take care of them. What she's going through is really scary!


The only person whose face never changes is the face of the detective who is working on her case, as the man who tried to k!ll her was a serial killer who's been killing women around town,called the Tearjerker.


Doctor Langenkamp is helping her deal with her condition by telling her to start to pay attention to what sets people apart from others,what makes them stand out, like a scar,or the color of their hair,a beard.. and that's how we should also watch this movie,paying attention to details, because the way people are dressed,and their haircut,is how we know who the serial k!ller is!


The movie is good, the plot is original due to the face blindness, it keeps you guessing, in suspense, about who is she really talking to,does she have a friend or a foe in front of her?


The visual effects were good, I liked how the people who's faces kept on changing looked similar to the originals but they weren't,that was a nice touch,like in a dream. They also tried to speak the same,to use the same cadence, which I liked, because it showed dedication to the character.

I liked how when people were dressed the same their faces also looked the same, so probably the cast involved a lot of twins and triplets as extras.


The acting was good.


The soundtrack was good.


You can watch the full movie here,for free :



Rating : Worth a watch !