
Year of release : 2020

Run time :1h42min

Genre : Thriller

Starring : Hillary Swank,Michael Ealy



Michael Ealy and Hillary Swank play in this movie about obsession.Michael played in another movie like this one,just that he was the crazy one.In this one,Hillary is.


Michael plays Derrick ,a man who,out in Las Vegas at his best friend’s bachelor party,has a one night stand .

Back home,he tries to reconnect with the wife as he’s been going through a rough patch .

That very night,it seems,their house is invaded by a masked man who seemingly wants to kill him .Derrick fights him and calls the cops .

To his surprise the woman he had a one night stand with is the detective assigned to the case .

She solves the case pretty quickly,telling him the wife and his best friend planned to kill him making it look like a home invasion,showing him the evidence .

He goes to confront the wife and bestie ,and the wife says to him ”what did you expect”?


The wife is unlikeable from the very first scene,and from then on,in every scene she just has this annoyed and angry look on her face,like she doesn’t want to be there.She’s cold,looks like she hates  him .She sells him lies about how she has to show houses to one client all day long until midnight,wtf?,so he shouldn’t wait for her.


The movie is a bit convoluted,there are many things happening,for example there’s some shady things from Derrick’s past,also,the detective has a few skeletons in her closet.. it doesn’t make any sense why his bestie who has an affair with the wife would want to marry another woman,especially when he plans to kill him .But he is the one who took Derrick’s ring off,telling him to cheat .Apparently Derrick has no mind of his own ,because he did.


The soundtrack was good,I didn’t like the songs played though,I don’t like the vulgar music of today,and I think these kind of songs should have no business being in movies.

The acting wasn’t that amazing,it felt like a B movie.


The movie is streaming on Netflix.


Rating : The Horror,The Horror !